Monday, September 29, 2008

Story Time

It's Monday you know what that means. Story Time!! Today's story is called A Bride for Isaac.

When Isaac grew up, his father Abraham wanted him to get married. Abraham told one of his servants, "Go to my homeland. There you will find the perfect bride for Isaac." So Abraham sent the servant on his way with ten camels and a lot of jewelry and clothes. They were gifts for Isaac's new bride. The servant reached Abraham's homeland. He stopped by a well and prayed, "Dear God, please show me the woman you have chosen for Isaac. I will know she is the one if she offers water to me and my camels." Before he finished praying, a young woman with a jar walked to the well. After she filled her jar, the servant asked her for a drink. She gave him a drink. Then she gave water to his camels. She was the answer to his prayer! Her name was Rebekah. The servant gave her the gifts, and they went to meet her father. The servant asked for his permission to take Rebekah to Isaac. Rebekah told the servant she would be happy to go. When Isaac saw Rebekah, he fell in love with her. Soon, they got married. Isaac and Rebekah had twin boys named Esau and Jacob.

The End

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